Sharyn Maggio Inc

Full information about place Establishment, finance and accounting "Sharyn Maggio Inc" at 2-12 Corbett Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724. Find out the full address, phone number, opening hours, customer reviews, map and photos.


Establishment   Finance   Accounting  

2-12 Corbett Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
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+1 732-380-0400

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Reviews about Sharyn Maggio Inc

  • Bruzzichesi Orthodontics
    Jun, 09 2018
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I had the very very unfortunate experience of having Sharon Maggio appointed as the "forensic accountant" in my divorce a few years ago. I own a small business that Ms Maggio had one of her associates review the books for - this took about a day or two and my business was ultimately valued at a whopping $15,000. For these services Sharon Maggio's firm proceeded to bill me and my ex for over $13,000. They were kind enough to let me enter into a monthly repayment plan, but insisted on adding a late fee every month for the over 30 day portion of the bill.
    As I paid my monthly payments one month I noticed my bill had somehow suddenly doubled. When I called to inquire I was told that since my ex wife was no longer making payments on her portion that I was required to make her payments and my payments - even though my divorce decree said it was to be split 50-50.
    At that time I retained a lawyer and tried to fight it, but they were hell bent on collecting every single penny they over billed for. Ultimately they put a judgement on me through the court for my portion as well as my ex wifes and proceeded to have the court go into my personal savings account and garnish almost 10,000 including legal fees, court fees, late fees, etc...
    As devastating as my divorce was, dealing with the likes of Sharon Maggio was far far worse. Her firm is a total rip off and I would strongly advise anyone who does not like to have their hard earned money stolen from them to avoid the likes of Sharon MAggio at all costs.
    I have since spoken to other people who have dealt with Sharon Maggio, CPA, and all of them have said that her firm grossly overbills for their services and then proceeds to attack you in court to collect every penny. Please take heed and I hope this post helps prevent this from happening to you or your loved ones.
    God Bless :-)
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